Stories written by :

Justin Fish

Justin Fish, also known as Justinas Cesna, is a distinguished tech enthusiast and prolific writer contributing to the renowned "Fish Knows" website. Specializing in Artificial Intelligence, smartphones, electric vehicles, gaming equipment, and SEO, Justin delivers concise yet insightful analyses. His articles elucidate the evolving landscape of AI, exploring applications and societal implications. A discerning smartphone reviewer, he dissects specifications and user experiences, guiding readers through the complex market. Justin's passion for sustainable tech shines in his coverage of electric vehicles, offering readers a glimpse into the latest advancements. As a gaming technology expert, he navigates the world of cutting-edge equipment, keeping enthusiasts abreast of trends. Justin also shares valuable insights on SEO, demystifying algorithms and digital marketing. His commitment to precision and relevance solidifies his standing as a respected figure in tech journalism.

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